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Contact Us

Treeshade, Kabwohe Hill Kabwohe Town, Sheema District P. O. Box 3562, Kampala, Uganda

About Us


1. When did GUBCO start and registration number

Global University Business Club Limited (GUBCCo) is newly founded public company, incorporated on 22/01/2022—registration number 80020002872346. It started real operations in 2022.

2. Services offered by GUBCO

GUBCCo engages  in the following activities:

GUBCCo clubs in the universities engaging students to come up with business ideas and projects as business initiatives

Entrepreneurial mentoring of students who have come up with business ideas, projects and business initiatives

Marketing the business initiatives to investors, including GUBCCo which will finance the best and attractive business initiatives —with GUBCCo becoming a Co-founder.

a SACCO Scheme - targeting mobilization of savings, firstly, from university communities [students and staff] as one of the funding sources for the GUBCCo’s and students’ university based- business initiatives; and

Food Solar – focused at improving the financial status of women farmers and ladies dealing in dry produce.


3. Target groups

Students in universities/institutions of higher learning


Universities/institutions of higher learning themselves

Society at large – particularly, university/ institutions of higher learning  graduates


4. Benefits of GUBCO to the communities

The grand benefit to communities and the society at large, is replication into community and commercialization of students’ university-based projects/business initiatives, thus intervening in improving societal well-being with the focal aim of enhancing students’ and graduates’ transition to the labour market: entrepreneurship, self-employment and employability. In brief, transmuting students’ ideas and general knowledge into business initiatives.

5. Scope of operation

GUBCCo’s trade is knowledge management and utilisation for creating solutions that promote good socio-economic and technological governance to address Uganda’s and Africa’s as well as the world’s socio-economic and technological problems. GUBCCo is focused at university-community/industry knowledge transfer—an industry/area that is greatly underexploited in Uganda/Africa—explained by the persistence of unsolved societal socio-economic and technological problems, yet the country/continent is not at all short of universities. Rather, what is observed is education that is not tailored to solve societal challenges, which is a result of university, communities and industry being more or less mutually exclusive sets.

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