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Sell your products free of charge on GUBCCo’s e-commerce portal!


Brock Stechman said: "When you’re an entrepreneur, you’re constantly selling your vision, your dream, your personal band and your company." Shine with and at GUBCCCo e-Commerce Port

GUBCCo is digital Company engaged in three core activities or products:

1) The Business Development function – the Entrepreneurship Incubation Programme – www.gubcco.ug ;

2) The Business Financing Function - the GUBCCo SACCO Scheme, the Portal for financing business initiatives; and

3) The Business Marketing Function - the e-Commerce Portal - https://gubcco.ug/home/shop .


Post your products on GUBCCo Digital Facility’s free e-Commerce Portal

To post your products on GUBCCo Digital Facility:

=> Visit GUBCCo Digital Facility https://gubcco.ug

 => Register (you don’t have an account already) by clicking “Registration” link on the top right corner.

=> After registering, you will be taken to your profile, then from the menu items on the left bottom select “POST PRODUCT” – and fill the form.

Your clients can make orders by using “Add To Cart” function, or directly contact you, the seller.

Likewise, encourage friends and acquaintances with businesses to project them up online, on GUBCCo’s e-commerce Portal!